Thank you for joining us on this journey. This blog will track the progress as we wait the arrival of our first baby.

Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Monday, June 12, 2006

The three minutes that changed my life...

It's 5:50 a.m. Sunday June 4. Three minutes ago I was just me going along living life as I do everyday. But now there are two pink lines. Two pink lines?!

Suddenly those two little pink lines are causing me to FREAK OUT (in a good way)! Forget going back to bed...I am way too excited as I began digesting what two pink lines truly mean.

I want to wake Ryan but I don't want him to be half awake when I tell him he is going to be a dad.

So later that morning I get out the gift I had tucked away months before to give to Ryan when the time was right. We sit on the patio and eat breakfast. Then I tell Ryan I have a gift for him. He unwraps "Oh Baby the Places We'll Go." It's a book to be read in utero to your unborn baby.

It takes Ryan a minute but when he looks up and sees the tears in my eyes, he knows. It takes quite some time for the shock to wear off though. It wasn't unexpected by any means - but it is hard for us to both believe it has finally happened!

Ryan reads his first Father's Day card and I serve up some Chubby Hubby ice cream...I want him to know that I fully expect him to become a chubby hubby as I start gaining pounds :)

Later that night we invite my sister Sherry to go to Old Chicago with us after church. We order some appetizers and then I tell her we have a gift for her. She unwraps a bib that says 'Little Vikings Fan.' Of course she cries! Soon she'll be an aunty :)

Three minutes...lots of tears...tons of smiles...excited hugs...a future that looks bright and beautiful.


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