Thank you for joining us on this journey. This blog will track the progress as we wait the arrival of our first baby.

Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am too excited!

If you read this blog enough you will find that Stacy is a much better, more eloquent writer than me, but you will also find that I am much more transparent and hopefully more frequent in my posts. Since we found out we are going to be parents several things have crossed my mind like, "Holy cow! We are having a baby! That is so awesome, and scary, and exciting. I think I need to lay down."

Since finding out about our coming miracle, I have felt like that kid in the Disney commercial where the parents hear the kids jumping on their bed the night before they leave to go to Disney World. The parents walk into the room and says go to sleep! The little boy falls back into the bed and says "we're too excited to sleep." Then the wife lays next to her husband in bed and asks, "Are you a sleep?" And, the husband replies, "No, too excited."

That sums it up. I am crawling out of my skin excited to meet my new son or daughter (my guess is son). I hope you will share in our enthusiasm.


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