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Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Monday, June 19, 2006

Top 100

I love giving gifts and cards. I really really do. Birthday, wedding, baby, Christmas, graduation, anniversary, new job, mother's and father's day -- any occasion will do. I also love to give gifts and cards for no reason…just because I found something for someone that made me think of them.

But nothing is comparable to giving gifts or cards that tell your parents/siblings they will soon be grandparents/aunts/uncles.

Upon opening one of these gifts or cards, the first response is not the standard "I love it" or "thank you" or "that was thoughtful." Instead the response is a combination of shrieking, crying, hugging, big smiles, more hugging and uncontained excitement. "Thank you" is replaced with a smile that is greater than 1,000 thank yous.

I wish I could have captured all the emotion of Father's Day and bottled it up. It's like no gift-giving occasion I've ever experienced before. And, dare I say, imaging one comparable is...difficult.

One of the pastors at church yesterday said that he decided to make a list of the top 100 days in his life. I think that is a pretty cool idea. 6.18.06 - Father's Day 2006 - will definitely make my list.


At 1:28 PM, Blogger Superwoman said...

I stumbled across your blog while I was bored at work (don't tell my boss!). I have two sons, 21 and 14. Reading your posts made me think back to those days of finding out I was pregnant and then planning everything I wanted to tell them and show them and do for them. I hadn't thought about all that in a long time. It brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Thanks for that - I needed it today.


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