Thank you for joining us on this journey. This blog will track the progress as we wait the arrival of our first baby.

Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What a day it was!

The day I found out I was going to be a father was an exciting day indeed. But to some degree the excitement of the news so overwhelmed me that it tempered my emotions.

Even as I tried to show how excited I was I felt like I was stuck in a dream. Have you ever had a dream where you are being chased and you try to scream but you can't? That is exactly how I felt, actually I continue to feel it, only in a good way. I a so excited I can't verbalize it correctly. This is a strange feeling and I am not sure I like it, but rest assured I am ecstatic about becoming a father.


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