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Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Telling Grandpa and Grandma May


Before I was born my parents lived in Bloomington not too far from where they live today. One day my mom and dad were out taking a walk. Just outside their home my mom stopped and told my dad she was pregnant with their first child, me.

Fast forward 30+ years to today. My dad loves eating ice cream, but my mom wants to keep his heart healthy so she forbids it, except on special occasions. Stacy and I have acted as arbitrators on several occasions to determine if ice cream is okay for my dad.

Father's Day 2006:

On Father's Day I told my dad and mom that we were going to take the on excursion to celebrate dad's day. I had prepared my mother ahead of time by telling her that in honor of Father's Day we were going to take dad to Dairy Queen. To surprise dad we asked him to wear a blind fold. Knowing that he would resist I had talked my mom into wearing one too.

Together me, Stacy and my parents piled into the car, my mom and my dad with blind folds on. It took about 15 minutes to get to our final destination. When we got there, we counted to three and told my parents to take their blind folds off. When they did, they were standing under the street sign where my mom had told my dad she was pregnant 30 years prior. What a surprise! Tears flowed. Hugs and kisses were shared.

Then we went and had Dairy Queen.


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