Thank you for joining us on this journey. This blog will track the progress as we wait the arrival of our first baby.

Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Watching people respond to the news that we are having a baby has been interesting and could be turned into some sort of psychological study. Stacy's friends have cried, screamed, jumped up and down...practically done every thing but kiss Stacy's belly.

My friends have responded differently.

Usually, they always say "congratulations" but it sometimes seems forced. It sounds like congratulations on the outside, but inside they might be thinking, "I am sorry, your life as you know it is over now."

To be honest, before I was the one making the announcement, that is exactly how I have felt when my friends told me. But now...that it is me...telling my friends that I am going to be a dad...well, I want them to cry, scream, jump up and down, and "hey don't even think about kissing Stacy's belly :-)


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