Thank you for joining us on this journey. This blog will track the progress as we wait the arrival of our first baby.

Psalm 139:13 - You knit me together in my mother's womb

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Always in my heart

"I can't imagine heaven's lullabies and what they must sound like. But I will rest in knowing, Heaven is your home and it's all you'll ever know...Baby let sweet Jesus hold you, 'til mom and dad can hold you, you'll just have Heaven before we do..." -- Glory Baby by Watermark

Oh sweet baby my heart aches that I will never get to hold you in my arms. In just 10 short weeks you touched my heart in a way that its never been touched before. But now you are in Heaven and I believe that you were welcomed with open arms not only by your Heavenly Father, but also by all our loved ones…give grandma Ruby a kiss for me because I miss her dearly.

Know that you'll always be our first. Know that you are were loved already – by your dad and mom, grandparents, aunts and uncles and many friends and family. And know that even though I didn't get to hold you in my arms, you'll always, always be held in my heart.

With all my love,

Monday, July 10, 2006


There is a word that has been hardly uttered since I first found out that Stacy is pregnant. This word would send shivers down the spine of anyone expecting a baby. Life is busy and fills up quickly, so when you start to plan for the baby's arrival, you almost completely forget about this word, at least I had, until Sunday.

Stacy, my wife, my love, the mother of my eventual child came to me Sunday and told me that things don't seem right. We are now waiting, praying and keeping our mouths shut fearing we might have to experience this "word" first hand. If it happens we will be okay, but we will also grieve our loss.

As we approach parenthood I will remember, I am weak, but He is strong. "The Lord gives and takes away, still I will choose to say blessed be the Name of the LORD!" Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Watching people respond to the news that we are having a baby has been interesting and could be turned into some sort of psychological study. Stacy's friends have cried, screamed, jumped up and down...practically done every thing but kiss Stacy's belly.

My friends have responded differently.

Usually, they always say "congratulations" but it sometimes seems forced. It sounds like congratulations on the outside, but inside they might be thinking, "I am sorry, your life as you know it is over now."

To be honest, before I was the one making the announcement, that is exactly how I have felt when my friends told me. But now...that it is me...telling my friends that I am going to be a dad...well, I want them to cry, scream, jump up and down, and "hey don't even think about kissing Stacy's belly :-)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Out with the old, in with the new

I do not enjoy cleaning and organizing. At all. This comes as no surprise to those who know me well. In fact, I would rather do just about anything else.

However, prior to discovering we were expecting, I had started to transfer the contents of my 'craft room' to another room (since I didn't use my craft room for anything other than storage anyway). For the past month we have been living with boxes, bags, piles of papers and lots-o-scrapbooking stuff filling the hallway and two rooms because I have avoided this unappealing project.

For my organization-is-my-life friends, this would be a dream come true. For Ryan and I, it is a nightmare. We are pack rats and have not acquired any organization skills whatsoever. So on this beautiful, sunny holiday weekend, I spent an entire day sorting, throwing, organizing and condensing.

But I am not complaining. As I moved out 30 plus years of stuff, I moved in a baby swing, a pack-n-play and some onesies.

And now I'll spend the next seven months praying that this new little babe of ours does not acquire our organizational skills.